FNS40821 – Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking

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Qualification Description
This qualification reflects the role of individuals working in finance and mortgage broking. Individuals in these roles apply theoretical and technical knowledge and skills to work autonomously and exercise judgement in completing routine activities relating to mortgage and finance broking.
Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification considerations
Work functions in the occupational areas where this qualification may be used are subject to regulatory requirements. Relevant regulatory authorities should be consulted to confirm those requirements before applying the qualification.
Entry Requirements
Packaging Rules
Total number of units = 12
7 core units plus
5 elective units , of which:
- at least 3 must be from the elective units listed below
- up to 2 may be from this qualification or any currently endorsed Certificate III or above training package qualification or accredited course.
Elective units must be relevant to the work environment and the qualification, maintain the overall integrity of the AQF alignment, not duplicate the outcome of another unit chosen for the qualification, and contribute to a valid industry-supported vocational outcome.
Core units
BSBPEF501 Manage personal and professional development
FNSCUS511 Develop and maintain professional relationships in financial services industry
FNSFMB411 Prepare loan applications on behalf of clients
FNSFMB412 Identify client needs and present broking options
FNSFMK515 Comply with financial services regulation and industry codes of practice
FNSINC411 Conduct work according to professional practices in the financial services industry
FNSINC412 Apply and maintain knowledge of financial products and services
Elective units
BSBESB401 Research and develop business plans
BSBOPS304 Deliver and monitor a service to customers
BSBOPS404 Implement customer service strategies
BSBPEF402 Develop personal work priorities
BSBTEC301 Design and produce business documents
BSBTEC302 Design and produce spreadsheets
FNSASIC311 Establish client relationship and analyse needs
FNSASIC312 Provide personal advice on non-relevant financial products
FNSCRD401 Assess credit applications
FNSCRD412 Establish and maintain appropriate security options for credit facilities
FNSCRD413 Manage and recover bad and doubtful debts
FNSCUS403 Deliver a professional service to customers
FNSFLT411 Determine financial requirements of small businesses
FNSFMB511 Implement credit contracts in preparation for settlement
FNSFMB513 Present credit options to clients with special financial circumstances
FNSINC513 Identify and apply complex ethical decision making to workplace situations
FNSINC514 Apply ethical frameworks and principles to make and act upon decisions
FNSMCA413 Identify and manage individuals experiencing hardship
FNSSAM413 Identify and provide initial information to potential new clients
FNSSAM421 Provide information on financial products and services to clients